Pavement Quality Concrete For Roads

we use principles from engineering, physics, mathematics, and materials science to create, study, build, and keep mechanical systems

Pavement Quality Concrete For Roads

Pavement Quality Concrete is a concrete which is used now a days for most type of Road Contraction works. Generally it is designed in High Grade (M-35 to M-50) and designed for 32mm size aggregates and low slump.

Materials Required


Construction & Expansion Joints

A typical constriction joint consist of placing a stopper across the length & width without affecting the spacing or placing of rebar’s. Necessary holes shall be made in the stopper for ensuring the same. All stoppers shall be applied with form release agents and removed as soon as concrete attains final set.



Joint Sealing

Joints to be sealed with bitumen sealant of Grade-A of IS-1834 in every expansion and construction joints.

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